Bonjour and welcome! I am so glad you are here! My name is Chantal and this is my style diary.   

I'd like to say that I've always had an interest in fashion and pretend that all of those fashion disasters over the years never happened (tomboy phase, jeans and sweatshirt phase), but the truth is, it wasn't until my early twenties that I discovered my love for fashion. It's also around this time that I stumbled upon the world of fashion blogs and quickly became addicted. I never thought I would one day have a blog of my own. 

I started playing around with the idea of a personal style blog in the fall of 2011, shortly after losing my father to cancer. It's when you lose a loved one that you realize just how short life can be and pursuing your dreams and passions suddenly becomes very important. When I first started this blog, I desperately needed a new hobby, a way to connect with others and bring a bit of happiness to my life. I had no idea it would become so much more than just a hobby and how much I would come to love and enjoy blogging. This blog is my own little creative outlet, a place to share a bit of myself with those who enjoy fashion just as much as I do. 

"True style is not about having a closet full of 
expensive and beautiful things. It is instead about knowing 
when, where and how to utilize your collection."
- Nina Garcia

I truly believe you can acquire great style on a budget you can afford. I hope to inspire others with my personal style, thrilling closet finds and a few life adventures. 
Please join me in my style evolution.

Chantal xo